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Is the Meaning of the Symbols of Revelation 1?
What do the symbols of Revelation 1 really stand
for? Let’s analyze some of the symbols
of the first chapter of Revelation, especially the description of Jesus. For example, note that Jesus is portrayed as
having hair white like wool. Revelation 1:18 and the preceding verses are
clearly a description of Jesus long after His resurrection and ascension to
heaven: "I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive
forevermore." This description reflects that Jesus has fully again
the glory that He had before the incarnation (i.e., His virgin birth) and the
world was (John 17:5).
So then, what's the significance of this depiction of Jesus?
By having white hair, Jesus is implied to be pure and righteous. It likely alludes to His similarity to the
Father as found in the book of Daniel 7:9: "I watched till thrones
were put in place, and the Ancient of Days was seated; His garment was white as
snow, and the hair of His head was like pure wool." The glorified
Jesus stood among seven lampstands, which represent the seven churches (and
church eras) mentioned in the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3,
the following two chapters. This means Jesus is present with Christians
spiritually down through the ages and as they assemble (Matthew 18:20).
This symbol also alludes back to the single golden lampstand with seven lamps
that stood in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem before it was destroyed by both
Babylon and Rome (centuries apart, in 586 b.c., and 70 A.D). Notice how the seven lampstands correspond
to the seven churches, and the seven stars refer to the seven angels who are
messengers to the seven churches (Revelation 1:20). When John says the stars are Jesus’ right hand, that means they
are under His sovereign or complete control as their Lord and Creator. It also likely alludes to the angelic host
who will accompany Him when He returns.
Here (in verse 20), the Bible clearly explains the symbols in
question. Whenever possible, we should
try to find the Bible’s own interpretation of its symbols, even if it occurs in
another chapter or book, rather than inventing our own meanings and reading
them into Scripture. The general rule
is, let the Bible interpret itself.
In this vision, Jesus also had glowing
bronze feet. John F. Walvoord in “The
Bible Knowledge Commentary” (p. 930), which has been consulted for insights in
writing this email in general, says this alludes to the bronze altar in the
temple being a place for the sacrifice for sin and divine judgment concerning
it. When He is said to have a sword
coming out of His mouth, this refers to His power and authority to judge and
wage war against the unrighteous nations when He returns in glory to the earth
in the future (cf. II Thess. 1:7-10; Revelation 19:11-12, 21).
When Jesus calls Himself the Alpha and
the Omega (Revelation 1:11), that’s a synonym for when He says He is the First
and Last and the beginning and the end.
“Alpha” was the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and “Omega” was its
last letter. So it would be like saying
he was the “A” and “Z” of the English alphabet. This title demonstrates that Jesus is God, that the great plan
for humanity and His creation He began as Creator He will bring through to
completion (cf. Revelation 21:6). When
John says Jesus’ face shone like the sun, this refers to His being the source
of light and truth for humanity (John 1:6-8).
In Revelation 21:22-23, Jesus and the Father are the temple and source
of light for the New Jerusalem. This
alludes indirectly to His great creative power since He created the sun and
thus is superior to it, although many people from many civilizations down
through the centuries mistakenly worshipped it as a god. People instead should worship He who created the sun, not the sun itself.
When John wrote that Jesus had the
keys to death and Hades, the place of the dead (Rev. 1:18), this refers to
Jesus’ power to resurrected, judge, and condemn the human race (cf. Romans
14:10; II Cor. 5:10) since He is both their Creator and Savior. He gives us life, but also can deny us
eternal life if we don’t repent and have faith in Him as Savior (Romans 6:23).
By careful reading and analysis,
many of the symbols in the book of Revelation’s first chapter can be
understood. We should not see this book
as automatically mysterious and impossible to truly understand.
V Snow
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